Wednesday, June 3, 2015

UPSC Preparation: Tips on utilising technology for effective learning

Flipping through a number of pages with the goal to seek the right answer to a query which has been boggling our minds for days, carrying super heavy books with the aim to study them all and score high and most importantly, writing every single important point from giant encyclopedia like volumes is completely out of trend nowadays. Thanks to the age of  New Media, all the up-to-the-minute information is available at our finger tips as a result of which learning and researching has become extremely plain sailing.

Though the fashion of classroom coaching prevails till today, it is not the only source of focused IAS preparation anymore. Some of the aspects of e-learning concerning online CSE preparation include live instruction, video-content delivery, video conferencing, remote test administration, up-to-date materials and self learning. While self learning, one can apprise oneself of the vast exam pattern and collect relevant study material for online CSE preparation in a short span of time. Online IAS preparation also brings out a different perspective of utilising social media platforms in a benign manner: Studious discussions with fellow aspirants/toppers leading to the clarification of variegated doubts and understanding the complications involved.

In the video titled “How to utilise technology for UPSC preparation IAS Preparation”, Dr. Roman Saini adduces the importance of taking advantage of the Internet to the fullest and provides various sources of Note making apps, PDF readers which would make the process of online IAS preparation highly effective. 

Dr. Roman further stresses on the significance of using certain websites to keep oneself updated with Current events and bookmarking important articles online, gives guidance on how to use Google Search and Google Chrome and benefit from using extensions, and encourages to utilise apps like The Hindu, Constitution of India, Jagran Josh etc. to make learning on-the-go a fun process. 

For more such articles and videos subscribe to the Unacademy YouTube channel and follow Dr. Roman Saini on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Does anybody have any idea about prepare bar exam? I’ve heard this one is helpful:


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