Monday, June 15, 2015

Memory aids and techniques: Remembering a list

Many of us are familiar with the phrase “Study well” but how many of us are sure about the process of studying itself? According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word “study” means “The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject, especially by means of books”. Whereas the word “learn” means “Gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught”. That is why learning appears more appealing as the process of learning need not be a monotonous one like studying. 

Each one of us has a unique learning style which could be one of the following or a combination of two or more: 1) Visual learning 2) Auditory learning and 3) Kinesthetic learning. Visual learners utilise pictures, shapes, sculptures and paintings to understand and recollect their study material. Auditory learners grasp better through listening to their lessons, rhythms, tones and chants. And Kinesthetic learners engage themselves in the process of learning in the best way possible through gestures, body movements, object manipulation and positioning. Therefore, it would be helpful to identify your style of learning and exploit your learning potential to the maximum. 

In the video titled “Memory Aids & Techniques 1.1 Remembering a List IAS Preparation” below, Dr. Roman Saini simplifies the learning process by emphasising on the significance of employing learning aids in our day-to-day learning activities. Dr. Roman gives a brief overview of some important learning aids used which include remembering a list, mnemonics, quadrupling your speed of reading, reading, revising and retaining efficiently, mind maps and making notes. He the goes on to give a detailed strategy on how to remember a list with examples of Millenium Development Goals and Fundamental Duties. Don’t study hard, learn smart! :)

For more such articles and videos subscribe to the Unacademy YouTube channel and follow Dr. Roman Saini on Facebook.

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