Saturday, April 11, 2015

UPSC Preparation: Introduction to Polity

Dr. Roman Saini gives an intro to Polity preparation.

So this is the preliminary examination. This is the syllabi of the examination. It includes Indian polity and governance. This is exactly what is written in the UPSC notification date sheet of 2014. Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy and Rights Issues. So I'll be taking 100% coverage without fail. Although 10 to 20 will go to preliminary examination Paper-I. Will be covered from these videos, 100% guaranteed.

In Mains the entire Paper-II of General Studies, that is the Paper-III in Actuality, because Paper-I is essay. So it includes Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice. They are all the same things as Prelims. So the syllabus is by and large a big overlap.

And there are international relations, which are in addition to the existing syllabus of the preliminary examination. So you have to focus separately on them. While there are one or two classes at the end when the mains exams are coming, so that will be dealing with them.

Then you have to read the entire syllabus first. Please read the entire syllabus first. It's a long syllabus, I couldn't put it here. So it's available online for free. Just try to read the syllabus and the second notification that will come in a PDF. Please download it and read the entire syllabus first, in case if they want to appear in this examination.

So the first thing's first is Indian Constitution. Why do we read the Indian Constitution? See, it's not only for UPSC per se, but also general citizen as well should be aware about their constitution because it's the supreme law of land. That is India. Plus, it governs literally everything which is the oldest dictated by constitution. It is the most sacred book of law in India. For government, it includes fundamental political principles, which we should abide all the time. It establishes the structures, the protocols, the procedure, the powers and duties. Basically, it provides the basic framework. It provides the skeletal. Skeletons cannot be changed very, very easily. So it provides the skeleton over which you can function and in which the rules are filled by bureaucracy and acts and builds and all. So it do not include the major rules or includes the framework. That's the most important difference.

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