Saturday, April 11, 2015

UPSC Preparation: Life Hacks by Dr. Roman Saini

Dr. Roman Saini gives his 2 cents on how to ace civil services and life.

Most of you reading this will not like the answer but to heck with it, I will write it anyway. Most of the toppers interview you read will be all flowery and optimistic. If you want that kind of answer, you have come to the wrong place. However, if you really wanna know what will provide you the highest probability of being successful, then congratulations and read ahead.
The major crux of your preparing revolves around-
  1. Knowing what will come in exam, and getting the right material
  2. Getting 6-10 hours of quality hours on a daily basis for long term (exceeding a year at least)

Life hacks will be extremely helpful in achieving target 2. To maximise your chance of getting selected and to increase your probability of getting through in first attempt, you should follow this:

  • Everything relating to daily chores like bathing, brushing, eating, and all that is needed to run your machine, should not be given more than 2 hours. If it is exceeding this time limit, cut down on bathing (bathing daily is a very recent phenomenon in human history occupying just last 300 years), eat small meals while studying (don't have huge meal sitting in front of telly or PCS watching movie or a TV series).
  • Switch off your cell phone while studying. People give logic that they talk only for 5-10 minutes, but our brain remain distracted even after the call is long cut. Especially if you're talking to a significant other, the 5 minutes have a tendency to turn into 50 minutes, that too 3-4 times a day.
  • Exercise for half an hour. Do not pump iron in the gym, though certainly can be done. Rather do brisk walking, running, yoga, meditation, pranayama etc. It will help in creation of new neuronal connection and memory formation with improved retention period.
  • Avoid getting into a new relationship. Your mind is wired to feel extreme joy in such a situation and those oxytocin shots that your brain receives while being in love certainly make it extremely difficult to focus or to study. This was the best case scenario. God forbid (but will not) that it goes south, then you will encounter the true hell containing  countless hours of nagging, bitching, checking out their fb profiles, staring at last seen status on what's app, cursing yourself of starting it in the first place, constantly resolving of never calling or messaging them again, yet doing it within next 5 minutes; all this depletes your will power and then, your attempt is gone down the gutter.
  • Cut down on your social circle, especially  those who are not as motivated as you are in achieving the success in that particular examination.
  • Avoid attending marriages, social functions. They are all complete and utter waste of time. And if you are dropping a year, your family members will interrogate you with questions regarding your marriage, what do you want to do with your life, it is impossible to get 'selected' and rest of that BS.
  • Solve previous year questions, get an idea of what is being asked, and then read smartly from relevant materials only.
  • It is extremely difficult to focus for a long time. I personally get distracted every 10 minutes with thoughts of being world saviour, next big thing, a trillionaire, marrying Taylor Swift, and the very next thought of becoming a complete loser, good for nothing, failing miserably in the exam and then facing constant nagging from every corner of the society. The only way out of this is to either attend coaching classes regularly, watch some online videos regarding preparation and studying with least distractions around.
  • Always have a piece of paper where you have written your reason as to why you want to clear this exam. The myriad reasons which people have for clearing competitive exams range from money, fame, power, stardom, impressing someone (trust me it is there), helping others, childhood dream, nation building, getting better marriage prospects with huge dowry, proving worthy of being a son/daughter to their parents, parents compulsion, for the sheer thrill of clearing the competitive exam, getting the tag of being a genius etc. Whatever your reason is, and there can be many of them, it doesn't matter. As long as you have faith in your reason for succeeding, it will help you get through the tough times. When you feel like it's all over after you are lying bloody, battered and bruised, contemplating meaning of life and pondering over meaninglessness of such pursuits, it is this piece of paper which will help you sail through all the turmoil and tumultuous period and you will come out as a winner.
For more such articles and videos subscribe to the Unacademy YouTube channel and follow Dr. Roman Saini on Facebook.


  1. Wow sir...u are just amazingg..after reading this i realized you are also normal like us..hehe..felt like reading about myself..hats off..keep up the great work !

  2. Thanks a lot for this vluable suggation


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