Tuesday, July 14, 2015

UPSC Preparation: Loss of Biodiversity

It is essential to understand what the term “Biodiversity” means before one can analyse the causes behind the loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity can be defined as the number of species in an environment and the number of individuals in each species. The functions of the biosphere depends upon a number of existing ecosystems. Every organism in the environment plays a significant role in ensuring the balance of nature. Biodiversity could be called as the ‘web of life’ and families, nations, communities and forthcoming generations depend upon it for their survival.

It has been estimated that human beings are currently utilising 25% more natural resources than the Earth can actually sustain. Therefore, many of the species and communities are under threat. As per the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and he World Conservation Union, US$33 trillion is the estimated monetary value of the goods and services made available by ecosystems. Apart from contributing heavily in terms of money, Biodiversity has direct impact on saving lives. About 50,000 – 70,000 plant species are utilised for both modern and traditional medicine across the world. Another important area where the loss of biodiversity can have massive consequences is the food security of nation states. Fishes, molluscs and crustaceans which constitute a large part of the aquatic life amounting to 100 million metric tonnes are consumed annually. In countries where high levels of poverty and food insecurity prevail, the food sources constitute a major portion of meat obtained from wild animals. Do watch the video below to learn more about the impact caused by the loss of biodiversity on various life forms.

In the video titled “EnE Biodiversity - Loss of Biodiversity 2.3 Unacademy UPSC IAS Preparation Roman Saini”, various important topics related to loss of biodiversity has been dealt with in detail. Dr. Roman discusses themes such as the loss of biodiversity, major biogeographic zones in India, extinction: definition, mass extinction and its stages like Cretaceous and Holocene, list of prominent extinct species, Causes of biodiversity losses, Introduction of exotic species, Conservation biology, Stable communities and Ecosystem services.

For more such articles and videos subscribe to the Unacademy YouTube channel and follow Dr. Roman Saini on Facebook.

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