Sunday, July 5, 2015

UPSC History Preparation: Unification of Italy

The Unification of Italy is another important event in World History apart from the Unification of Germany. Initially, the fragmented parts of Italy were ruled by the monarchs of Europe. During the first few decades of the 19th century, Italian nationalism grew to a great extent among the intellectuals and aristocratic people who wanted a unified Italian state. This period was known as the Italian Risorgimento which means the resurrection. The demand for more rights and liberalism among the youth from the foreign rulers lead to the creation of a group called “Young Italy” under Giuseppe Mazzini in 1830 whose intention was to make the Italian state which would be newly formed into a republic. 

Mazzini resolved to achieve his objective by initiating a revolution. Another leader who played a key role in the Unification of Italy was Camillo Benso di Cavour, the Prime Minister of the most powerful Italian State then: Sardinia. Cavour’s intention was to bring all the Italian states under the flag of Sardinia and amass power. It was necessary to defeat Austria, the strongest power in Northern Italy if the unification process had to happen. Therefore, Cavour decided to enter into the Crimean War on the side of France, Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire in 1850s. Cavour also worked on increasing the internal strength of Sardinia by investing in the building of railroads and military improvisation. To learn more about the unification process of Italy, do watch the video below.

In the video titled “Relive the past: World History 7.1 Unification of Italy IAS Preparation”, Dr. Roman Saini highlights the key points which lead to the manifestation of the Unification of Italy. Dr. Roman provides essential details on the background of the unification process of Italy, phases of the Italian Unification, comparison between Unification of Italy and Unification of Germany and Principles and Methods followed by Cavour.

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